by Renee | May 6, 2021 | ABC Meeting Info, Archived ABC Meeting Information
ABC General meeting. Dec 15, 2020 08:21 AM
This month Beyauna Billings presents Postpartum Traditions From Around the World. Discover how ceremony and honor is being brought back into birth and the postpartum period. Share your tradition at this meeting.
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: .77q@9F2
by Renee | May 6, 2021 | ABC Meeting Info, Archived ABC Meeting Information
At the March Community Meeting, Rosemary Bolza of the Arizona Affiliates of the American College of Nurse Midwives, to discuss current legislation and policies effecting breastfeeding families that we serve. She will share information pertaining to both local and national policies and update us on pieces of legislation to watch for throughout the year.
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: MpWG6?8c
by Renee | May 6, 2021 | ABC Meeting Info, Archived ABC Meeting Information
ABC Community Meeting:
Guest Speaker: Renee Palting, RN, IBCLC
This community meeting focused on funding with grants.
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: qfZr$26n